Malpractice Insurance


This section includes the fields in the API that fullfill the requirements of the Malpractice Insurance section of the CAQH form.

Image of CAQH Malpractice Insurance fields

attested.malpractice_insurance.insurer_name(string) -- The name of the insurance company through which insurance is obtained.

attested.malpractice_insurance.policy_number(string) -- The policy number for the insurance.

attested.malpractice_insurance.original_effective_date(string) -- The retroactively effective date for the insurance.

attested.malpractice_insurance.effective_date(string) -- The effective date for the insurance.

attested.malpractice_insurance.expiration_date(string) -- The date on which malpractice insurance will expire.

attested.malpractice_insurance.occurence_coverage(string) -- The dollar amount of coverage per occurence.

attested.malpractice_insurance.aggregate_coverage(string) -- The total dollar amount of coverage.

attested.malpractice_insurance.document(url) -- The url for the malpractice insurance facesheet image.