Other IDs


This section includes the fields in the API that fullfill the requirements of the Other IDs section of the CAQH form.

Image of CAQH Other ID fields

attested.medicare.participation(string) -- Whether or not the practitioner participates in Medicare - as attested to by the practitioner.

attested.medicaid.participation(string) -- Whether or not the practitioner participates in Medicaid - as attested to by the practitioner.

attested.medicaid.number(string) -- The Medicaid number of the practitioner.

verified.npi.number(string) -- The NPI number of the practitioner. This number has been verified using the NPPES as a primary source.

verified.npi.status(string) -- The NPI status of the practitioner. This status has been verified using the NPPES as a primary source.

verified.npi.artifact(url) -- Axuall NPPES Proof artifact. This is usually a screenshot from the NPPES website. This link will expire within 10 minutes of when the API call was made.

verified.npi.zkp(json) -- Axuall Digital Proof - This proof can be used to ensure the authenticity, and current status of the verified data against the credential definition on the Sovrin network.

verified.npi.meta(json)-- Verification metadata - This object contains information about how and when the data was verified.