
This section includes the fields in the API that fullfill the requirements of the Training section of the CAQH form.

Image of CAQH Education fields

verified.training.institution_name(string) -- The institution at which the training occured as verified by a primary source.

Image of CAQH Education fields

verified.training.training_type(string) -- The type of training [internship, residency, fellowship]

verified.training.start_date(date) -- The month and year of the beginning of the training as verified by the primary source.

verified.training.end_date(date) -- The month and year of the end of the training as verified by the primary source.

verified.training.specialty(string) -- The specialty of the training as verified by the primary source.

verified.training.artifact(url) -- Axuall Training Proof artifact. This is usually an image of the masterfile pulled from AMA, or AOIA. This link will expire within 10 minutes of when the API call was made.

verified.training.zkp(json) -- Axuall Digital Proof - This proof can be used to ensure the authenticity, and current status of the verified data against the credential definition on the Sovrin network.

meta.training.address_line1(string) -- The first line of the training institution address.

meta.training.address_line2(string) -- The second line of the training institution address.

meta.training.address_city(string) -- Training institution address city.

meta.training.address_state(string) -- Training institution address state.

meta.training.address_zip(string) -- Training institution address zip.

meta.training.phone_number(string) -- Training institution phone number.