
Added Subscription Status to List Providers Endpoint Response

In order to keep you informed what a clinician's billing status is, we added a new object in the response body to show you the subscription status of the clinician in the Axuall system. See below for definitions of the different statuses.


Deactivations Endpoint

We’re introducing a new Deactivations Endpoint that can be leveraged to deactivate a clinician. This allows you autonomy when deactivating a clinician and simplifies the process when a clinician leaves your organization. You will simply have to provide the Provider ID and we will deactivate the clinician in the Axuall system. When a clinician is deactivated, the following changes occur:


ID verification statuses added to the List Providers Endpoint



Recipes added to the List Providers API Endpoint



Attested state keys added to state_licenses



Assign Workflow API Endpoint

The Assign Workflow endpoint enables users to update the recipe (workflow) for a provider. This will prime the wallet to take a provider through the recipe once they log in. For users that are leveraging SSO, this will ensure that the recipe can be changed for the provider while allowing them to complete their wallet in the respective application rather than having to log in to the Axuall platform.


11.10.2023 API Release Notes

  1. Education data not populating correctly in the Verified Share endpoint
    1. There was a bug in the Verified Share endpoint related to education that was not populating the information correctly or de-deduplicating. This been fixed so that education data is populating correctly in the education array and education information is being de-deduplicated.

10.17.2023 API Release Notes

  1. Providers with invitation status of invite_blocked returning 500 error in the API
    1. Providers with an invitation status of invite_blocked were causing the API to return a 500 internal server error because the API was not expecting to see that status. This has been corrected so that endpoints that would return invitation statuses are able to show this one now.

10.13.2023 API Release Notes

  1. Get Provider endpoint returning incorrect ID verification status
    1. The Get Provider endpoint was not returning the correct ID verification status for some providers. This has been resolved so that providers with an incomplete verification status show up as incomplete and those with a complete status return the complete one.