Board Certifications Data Mapping

Board Certifications Data

Axuall collects board certifications data on providers from a variety of sources. These are all captured and stored in the Verified Share API for import into an organization's PDMP. Depending on the recipe configuration and provider type, any of the below data may be captured and stored in the JSON.


Data LabelDate FormatDefinition
verified.board_certification.specialty_typeStringThe Specialty of the practitioner for the particular board certification.
verified.board_certification.issue_dateDateThe issue date of the board certification.
verified.board_certification.expiration_dateDateThe expiration of the board certification. This is null if not applicable.
verified.board_certification.completeBooleanWhether or not the board certification has been completed as verified by the primary source.
verified.board_certification.additional_requirements_compliance_statusStringThe MOC (ABMS) or OCC (AOIA) status from the board that has issued the certification.
verified.board_certification.durationStringThe duration type of the board certification.
verified.board_certification.board_nameStringThe name of the medical board that has issued the certification.
verified.board_certification.artifactURLExpiring link to download evidence for a credential.
attested.board_certification.board_nameStringBoard name as attested to by the practitioner.
attested.board_certification.numberStringBoard certification number as attested to by the practitioner.
external.board_certification.file_nameStringStored custom name of document as defined by the subscriber group