Batch File Specification

Axuall can programmatically create wallets for clinician populations at a health system. This is a common use case when onboarding large clinician populations outside of initial or re-appointment cycles.

Axuall does this by ingesting batch files with Clinician information via an agreed upon secure transfer protocol. The specification for these files is listed below:


Specialty Information

Axuall does not ingest Specialty information in the batch files below - all specialty information is determined by pulling active specialty board certifications for a clinician.

Axuall does not support the programmatic ingestion of clinicians who do not have specialty board certifications. This can only be supported via engagement with clinicians since the collection of additional information is necessary ( Board eligibility, Pending Results, Exam Dates)

Batch File Fields

TypeColumn NameExampleNotesRequired/Optional
First Namefirst_nameJaneRequired
Middle Namemiddle_nameMarieRequired
Last Namelast_nameDoeRequired
AliasesaliasesJane|Maria|Diaz;Jane||Lee- Each name is delimited by a ; character

- Use a | to delimit the following parts of each name first, middle, last
Social Security Numbersocial_security_number111111111Do not include any dashesRequired
Date of Birthdate_of_birth01/01/1950The required format is mm/dd/YYYYRequired
Email Addressemail_address[email protected]Required
NPInpi1234567890The NPI is used as the primary identifier for most onboarded clinicians

This is subject to change as we consider clinicians who may not have an NPI.
Required for non-RN clinicians.

RNs may have NPI and/or NCSBN
NCSBNncsbn35256363The NCSBN number is used as the primary identifier for RNs. However, if an RN has an NPI, they may use that instead.RN clinicians must have either an NCSBN or NPI to be loaded.
State Licensesstate_licensesOH|123456;PA|123456- | is used to delimit 2 letter state code from the license number

- ; is used to delimit multiple state licenses
RN Licensesrn_licensesOH|RN123456;PA|RN123456- | is used to delimit 2 letter state code from the license number

- ; is used to delimit multiple state licenses
DEA Licensesdea_licensesOH|123456;PA|123456- | is used to delimit 2 letter state code from the license number

- ; is used to delimit multiple DEA licenses
FacilitiesfacilitiesFacilty1;Facility2- ; is used to delimit Facilities

If your health system is set up with multiple facilities, these names must be established on initial integration with Axuall.
Addresshome_address123 Euclid Ave.Required
Address Cityhome_cityClevelandRequired
Address Statehome_stateOHRequired
Address ZIPhome_zip44114Required
American Heart Association Certificationsaha_certifications12334567880- ; is used to delimit multiple AHA ecard numbers
Recipe Namerecipe_nameAtlas Health APRN Initial AppointmentRecipe names and types will be established on initial integration with Axuall.

Please reach out to your health system's Axuall representative for a list of available recipes or see the recipe list on the invite screen of the admin portal.
Enrollment Typeenrollment_typeInitial AppointmentAllowed values: Initial Appointment, Continuous Monitoring, Re-appointmentOptional
Graduate NSC Educationgraduate_nsc003024|Case Western Reserve University- | is used to delimit the NSC school code from the NSC institution nameOptional
Undergraduate NSC Educationundergraduate_nsc003050|John Carroll University- | is used to delimit the NSC school code from the NSC institution nameOptional
Non-MD/DO Board Certificationsboard_certificationsaanp|1234567;nbcrna|12345678Currently Supported Board Types: aacn, ancc, aanp, nbcrna, nccpa, ncc

- | is used to delimit the board acronym from the board number

- ; is used to delimit multiple board certification pairs.
Tag Nametag_nameReappt March 2023-For clinicians who do not need a tag, leave the tag_name field blankOptional (Required if Tag Color is defined)
Tag Colortag_colorredColor Options:

-For clinicians who do not need a tag, enter 'n/a' for the color.
Optional (Required if Tag Name is defined)