Unengaged Workflows

Unengaged Wallet

Unengaged/pre-populated wallets occur when either the provider has no engagement with their wallet or the staff wants to pre-populate an existing providers wallet with data they have to streamline the provider wallet experience. This helps with:

  1. Reducing manual work to obtain primary source verifications (PSVs)


What is a primary source verification (PSV)?

The issuing body for a credential. For example, each state in the US issues a medical license to individuals who have successfully completed medical training requirements for that state. Primary source verification indicates that the state license has been verified directly with the state’s medical board.

  1. Real-time availability of data in the system of record

Unengaged Clinician Workflow

Provider Registration: Allows for the loading of providers with existing data clients have on hand.

Verified Share: Automate real-time data transfer between Axuall and the system of record.