Provider Update Webhooks

Webhooks allow for external users of Axuall systems to receive predefined events via an HTTP request to their server.

Each HTTP request sent to your servers will have an HTTP header X-Axuall-Signature which should be used by your server to validate the authenticity of the message.


To begin receiving events via webhooks, provide Axuall with the following information:

  1. The endpoint which should receive the HTTP requests.
  2. The events you wish to receive

Upon receipt of this information, you will receive a Verification token. This verification token should be kept secret.

The Verification token will be used for:

  1. Signing of the request body by Axuall
  2. You verifying the signature of the webhook request

Axuall Signature Header

Each request to your endpoint will contain a header named X-Axuall-Signature. The value of this field is what you are verifying. Use the Verification token to calculate the signature on your system and compare to the provided signature.

Webhook Request body

  "event_id": "<GUID>",
  "provider_id": "<NPI Code>",
  "events": [
      "type": "<EVENT_TYPE>",
      "info": {

The events attribute will contain a list of events. The info attribute's contents will be dependent on the type of event defined in the type attriubte.


Type nameDescription
new_credentialA provider was issued a new credential
revoked_credentialA provider's previous issued credential was revoked


  "type": "new_credential",
  "info": {
    "cred_def_id": "<Credential Definition Identifier>",
    "axuall_proof_id": "<Unique Identifier>",


  "type": "revoked_credential",
  "info": {
    "cred_def_id": "<Credential Definition Identifier>",
    "axuall_proof_id": "<Unique Identifier>",