References Data Mapping

References Data

Axuall collects references data on providers. These are all captured and stored in the Verified Share API for import into an organization's PDMP. Depending on the recipe configuration and provider type, any of the below data may be captured and stored in the JSON.


SourceData LabelDate FormatDefinitionClinician Type
Clinicianattested.references.first_nameStringThe first name of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.last_nameStringThe last name of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.typeStringThe provider type of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.emailStringThe email of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.phone_numberStringThe phone number of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.roleStringThe role of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.evaluator_organizationStringThe organization of the practitioner's reference.All
Clinicianattested.references.occupation_codeStringThe occupation code of the practitioner's reference.All