

This section includes the fields in the API that address the current verified name of the practitioner, as well as any aliases that the practitioner has attested to.

Image of CAQH Name fields

verified.axuall_id.first_name(string) -- The first name of the practitioner as presented in the digital credential. This field is has been verified through an approved ID verification method.

verified.axuall_id.last_name(string) -- The last name of the practitioner as presented in the digital credential. This field is has been verified through an approved ID verification method.


The Axuall API will return an unbounded array of other_names. Practitioner aliases are sourced through attestation, as well as via lookup with NPPES, and sources like AMA or AOIA where appropriate.

attested.basic_info.other_names.first_name(string) -- A first name used as an alias as attested to by the practitioner.

attested.basic_info.other_names.middle_name(string) -- A middle name used as an alias as attested to by the practitioner.

attested.basic_info.other_names.last_name(string) -- A last name used as an alias as attested to by the practitioner.

attested.basic_info.other_names.suffix(string) -- A suffix used as an alias as attested to by the practitioner.

verified.axuall_id.artifact(url) -- Axuall ID Proof artifact. This is usually an image of the practitioners drivers license. This link will expire within 10 minutes of when the API call was made.

verified.axuall_id.zkp(json) -- Axuall Digital Proof - This proof can be used to ensure the authenticity, and current status of the verified data against the credential definition on the Sovrin network.